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From the States

Idaho becomes the 4th state to ban ranked-choice voting

by Staff Report

On March 24th, only a few days after South Dakota banned ranked-choice voting, Idaho Governor Brad Little signed similar legislation into law, making Idaho the fourth state to do so. House Bill 179 prevents RCV from gaining a foothold in the state by banning it in local, statewide, and federal elections.

Ranked-choice voting bans are being introduced in state legislatures across the country, with a bill recently passed by the North Dakota legislature awaiting the Governor's signature.

Ranked-Choice Voting News Roundup - July 2024

by Staff

Recent News

Will DC fall victim to ranked-choice voting?

by Harry Roth

Basics of RCV

The Status of Ranked-Choice Voting

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Ranked-choice voting returns to Arlington County

by Harry Roth

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