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From the States

Missouri voters poised to ban RCV and non-citizen voting

by Harry Roth

Missourians will have a chance to ban ranked-choice voting this November after the legislature passed Senate Joint Resolution 78 last month. If approved by the voters, the constitutional amendment would ban non-citizen voting and ranked-choice voting in the state of Missouri.

The bill's sponsors, Sen. Ben Brown and Rep. Ben Baker, made statements on X after SJR 78 passed the legislature during a hectic session.

Non-citizen voting and ranked-choice voting are two hair-brained ideas being pushed by far-left election groups that would devalue the voting process and disenfranchise American voters. The Missouri State Legislature was right to tackle both issues at once.

RCV advocates have used ballot initiatives for years to push their broken system on states and locales. Now they’re getting a taste of their own medicine. The people of Missouri have the opportunity to protect their elections from unnecessary delays, potential fraud, ballot exhaustion, and general voter confusion.

Ranked-Choice Voting News Roundup - August 2024

by Staff

From the States

Will New Jersey fall victim to ranked-choice voting?

by Harry Roth

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Trent England debates Final-Five Voting's creator Katherine Gehl on NPR

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Ranked-choice voting repeal v. Lawfare in Alaska

by Harry Roth

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