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From the States

Oregon Legislature sends RCV to the voters

by Harry Roth

On June 25, The Oregon legislature passed House Bill 2004, putting ranked-choice voting on the ballot in 2024. It’s now up to the voters to decide whether they want to maintain a functioning election system or make the switch to RCV.

In the two states that use ranked-choice voting (Alaska and Maine,) there have been reports of voter confusion and delays in results. The same effects were witnessed on a local level. In a recent County Board primary election in Arlington County, Virginia, voters expressed frustration over ballot rejection and unfamiliarity with the system.

Whether it’s used on a local or state level, ranked-choice voting is a confusing system that leads to chaotic and untrustworthy elections. Oregon voters should send a message and reject ranked-choice voting in 2024.

Ranked-Choice Voting News Roundup - July 2024

by Staff

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by Harry Roth

Basics of RCV

The Status of Ranked-Choice Voting

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Ranked-choice voting returns to Arlington County

by Harry Roth

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