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The Federalist exposes RCV lobbying effort targeting conservatives

by Staff

Several Stop RCV Coalition members are quoted in a recent investigative story by Logan Washburn at The Federalist. It turns out that Katherine Gehl’s Institute for Political Innovation is funding a DC-based PR firm to market RCV to conservatives.

As pointed out in the story, RCV advocates have now been caught telling just about every major group in American politics that the novel election process will help them. It will help third parties. It will help moderates. It will help the left. And now, it will help the right.

Perhaps RCV is also the one easy trick to lose weight, reduce your taxes, and keep produce fresh in the fridge?

Ranked-Choice Voting News Roundup - September 2024

by Staff

From the Book: The Case Against Ranked-Choice Voting

The RCV worst-case scenario actually happened

by Trent England

From the States

Will New Jersey fall victim to ranked-choice voting?

by Harry Roth

Recent News

Trent England debates Final-Five Voting's creator Katherine Gehl on NPR

by Staff

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