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Will DC fall victim to ranked-choice voting?

by Harry Roth

Over the last few years, DC has been in the midst of a crime wave with a huge spike in homicides, armed robberies, and car jackings. Business closures are a regular occurrence in the district, to the point where residents are getting used to seeing boarded-up windows in formally bustling streets. Our nation's capital is in a rapid state of decline.

Now, an organization called Make All Votes Count DC is trying to put the nail in DC’s coffin by passing ranked-choice voting via Initiative 83. The group submitted over 40,000 signatures, which are currently awaiting verification. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, voters will decide in November whether to adopt ranked-choice voting.

So, who’s funding this nonsense? The usual suspects like FairVote, Unite America, and Arnold Ventures. These are the same groups that have been promoting RCV for years, furthering the decline of once great cities like San Francisco and Oakland.

The DC Democratic Party even sued in the DC Superior Court last year to block the group from collecting signatures. In the party’s own words:

“The fundamental issue we identified is that district wards are not equal in terms of voter turnout. Implementing RCV would not adequately address this disparity and could potentially undermine the democratic principles we strive to uphold.”

DC voters have two options this November. Either they pass ranked-choice voting and embrace the decline, or they reject ranked-choice voting and work to save our nation’s federal capital. Hopefully, they choose the latter. 

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